This is the Message Centre for J'au-æmne

Hello Joanna

Post 1

Wilson Brown-Bear

Do you remember me? You used to be my girlfriend.

WbB smiley - sadface

Hello Joanna

Post 2


Of course I remember you! smiley - smiley

But you went away...smiley - sadface I missed you...

Hello Joanna

Post 3

Wilson Brown-Bear


I am so glad that you remember me, I told everyone you were my girlfriend, they laughed at me of course, "Why WOULD a charming and wonderful girl like Joanna want to be YOUR girlfriend", they said in Draco Malfoy voices. I said because she does, thats why.

I was always good at answering people back, I am not one of these bears who only think of things to say back to people 3 hours after the discussion. Grrrrrrr..

You are still my girlfriend aren't you?

WbB smiley - sadface

Hello Joanna

Post 4


Erm.... sorry.... she's not.

You were away for quite some time, apparently. I didn't even know about you until just now... smiley - smiley

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