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BluesSlider Started conversation Apr 12, 2001
I'm glad to see my Re-enactment article seems to have come through moderation unscathed. Wonder what they'll do about the Microsoft Blues though?...
Bumblebee Posted Apr 27, 2001
Bluesslider, I thought you'd never show up!
I miss you at the pub. We are voting for the new name now.
I know, I know, it's awfull and not fair and all that, but we are making the best of it, don't you think?
BluesSlider Posted Apr 29, 2001
Hey, Bumblebee . I've been around on and off, but nothing like as regularly as I used to be. I've missed getting to the pub for the lunchtime sessions, now I only get the odd chance to dive in in the evenings and at weekends. Maybe I'll catch you down there sometime for a
Bumblebee Posted Apr 30, 2001
And I'm almost never in in the evenings and weekends so the cances for that are rather slim.
Been thinking about you lately, wanted to tell you about this blues festival here in Bergen these days.
Or rather blues and roots as there something of this and that
(dubya dubya dubya dot oleblues dot net) Haven't had opportunity to go to any concert yet but I'll see tonight.
Have a nice Baldersblot/Walpurgisnight/May 1st.
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