This is the Message Centre for the Sleeping Scooper

G'day Sleepy

Post 1

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Sleepy Scooper, G'day from sunny New Zealand. I am one of the h2g2 ACEs -Assistant Community Editors - our job is to welcome and assist people new to h2g2.

If you have any queries about h2g2 just go to the ACEs homepage and say Hi. You will meet a number of Researchers like yourself who will be only too pleased to show you around and help by answering your questions, give assistance producing a great home page of your own and help you in any way they can. You can also ask me by replying in this forum.

All the Best and enjoy h2g2. Hope I didn't wake you up smiley - bigeyes

G'day Sleepy

Post 2

Ossario T'an

And G'day from another New Zealander here on H2G2!

Just noticed the link to your other homepage which you mention in your introduction. If you would like that to be an active link in GuideML, just include the following bit of code from inside the Edit Page.
Cut and paste the URL to your page and insert it between the "" in the line below, then copy and paste the resulting line into the appropriate place on the Edit Page.

My website is

BTW: The GuideML Guru here is Bruce he can help out with any code writing queries you have -check out his forums.

Hope you enjoy your time with this community.

Ossario T'an

G'day Sleepy

Post 3

the Sleeping Scooper

Yes, I knew that - I was waiting until it's a bit more "finished" before I do that, but perhaps I'll do it anyway.

G'day Sleepy

Post 4

Ossario T'an

OK... sorry, I did not mean to rush you into doing anything here.

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