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bored bored bored bored bored

Post 1

Miss Archy

Well, I'm glad to see h2g2 wasn't down for very long during the upgrade...the did a lot better than Fortunecity UK smiley - winkeye I've tried the new 'Alabaster' skin...I'm trying to decide whether I like it or not... I think the articles are a much easier to read with the new look/layout, but it makes the site look too much like any other commercial site... The original blue one was so much more original...not that this is's just that I envisioned something totally different for the guide. Oh well smiley - smiley My fish appears to have died...I dunno, maybe they've moved or removed the file... smiley - sadface Well, at least I don't have to think of a name for it anymore... I like the new smiley too smiley - tongueout ...except for the tongue...why is it black?!

Oh, if you (you know who you are) read this, I'm going out to lunch, so I won't be here...

bored bored bored bored bored

Post 2

G Man

17 hours later, and I'm'll be sleeping now though. smiley - smiley Yes, I think the classic GOO skin is much better than that new one... I'll be sticking with it anyway smiley - smiley

bored bored bored bored bored

Post 3

Miss Archy

Well, I guess it doesn't matter that I went out to lunch yesterday smiley - smiley

hmmm...I'm still using that new alabaster thing...and I don't like it today any more than I did fact, I think I like it less... I'm thinking about returning to classic goo smiley - smiley They could have at least used the same colors for the new guide. . . oh well smiley - smiley

Another thing that should have been changed but wasn't is the smiley face thing... : + ) doesn't turn into a smiley, but : + - + ) does. . .weird. . .

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