A Conversation for Katonah, New York, USA

Katonah Wood Farms

Post 1

Researcher 179206

I am doing genealogy research on my father who lived and worked at Katonah Wood Farms in the 1920's. Does anyone know of this place? Also, did the Gimbel Department Store family have a home in that area during the 1920's?

Katonah Wood Farms

Post 2


As the author, I am sorry to admit that I have never heard of "Katonah Wood Farms." That does not mean it doesn't exist, though. I haven't spent a great deal of time there since I was 10 years old (we moved around a bit for a while, and now my parents live there again), and wood farms were not really high on my list of things to find out about at that age.

As for the Gimbels, I have no idea. Possible, though.

Katonah Wood Farms

Post 3


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