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Pilgrim's Progress

Post 1


Well.. let's see. Current projects are: Clean the apartment, make room for a visitor. (Visitors are something I've avoided competantly for the last year or more, as there's practically no room in the apartment. However, AT has no cable at her place, and roommates. So, if I plan to ply her with my masculine wiles and liberal applications of the cartoon network, I'm obliged to clean up the joint.) Hopefully I can ge the place pristine by Sunday. I must be gaga over the girl, as I want to steam the carpets, even. Who knows? I might even end up keeping the place not a mess for a while. (At least as long as I'm actively dating...) My only real dilemma is to find a way to store all my stuff! I seem to accumulate at a frightening pace all sorts of things specifically designed for Newton to smack around all over the house. (I still don't know how he managed to get my viking boat off of the top shelf of my closet to under my computer...It's totally unwieldy, and was behind other stuff up there.) In other AT news, date 4 went swimmingly, and #5 is tomorrow, and #6 is planned for Sunday already. I need to remind myself to call Emage and let 'em know that either I'll be missing them on Sunday, or maybe taking AT along for the ride. AT's not happy with her name, and was considering change... I rather like it, but her chosen alternates are good, too. I sort of dig Octavia as a name... Greek/Latin/Hebrew names seem to be my personal favorite. Rachael, Cassandra, Elizabeth all have nice sounds to them too, and have good nicknames. I'm still a little floaty from the additional dopamine, adrenaline, and testosterone in the system due to my current romantic interests. Some minor 'warning signs' have come up, but like anything else, all things are surmountable if folks are willing to put effort into a fix. Speaking of which, things are rather quiet on the AIM front, not sure where things stand there, given last week's quandry re:H. I'm assuming no worries, but the news front has been semi-quiet. More as I know it, Dear Journal. p.s. Got all the clothing I was looking to get, just need shoesies and maybe 2 more sets o'boxers. Type to you later, bub.

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Pilgrim's Progress

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