This is the Message Centre for scottobear?¿

Date the Second.

Post 1


Well, went to see road to el Dorado today, with my current Object d'amor. Hooked up about 2pm, got a warm welcoming hug, and I introduced Driver S to Date A. (S had her tubes tied yesterday, and was a bit crabby, but a good diplomat) We went to Einstein's and had a tasty lunch of Chicken Salad (her) and a Veggie Bagel (me) which was tasty, but I forgot to tell them to skip the onion. (Far be it for me to wish breath of death on a companion, so I picked them off). It turned out that the movie started late (only 3:00 show is on weekends.) but it worked out ok, we ended up mallwalking & shopping (I lack the male traits of shopping aversion, and direction getting fear) for about 2 hours, talking, making silly commentary about the stuff at TJ Maxx and Target. Oh! I must remember to remind B about good grill stuff at Target! Nuts, I have to finish my work here. Note to continue from. Got good snuggles, and held hands on cab ride home, farewell hug. No Kisses yet, but getting closer, Talking tigger, barbie horns, toys. etc.

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Date the Second.

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