This is the Message Centre for scottobear?¿

CUrrnet TORG Char

Post 1


ibis (ben siddig)
gadget hero

cosm/m/s/sp/t: nile empire
social 20
spiritual 17
tech 21
desc.: 35, 6", 225 lb.
shock damaqe:
possibilities: 10
wound level: 1-OK
stats: dex-10 maneuver
per-12 trick
mind-9 test
charisma-8 taunt
spirit-11 intimidate
skill: reality+2 spi 13
acrobatics+ dex 10
dodge+2 dex 12
fire combat+ dex 10
flight+ dex 10
lock pick+1 dex 11
long jump+ dex 10
melee wep+1 dex 11
running+ dex 10
stealth+ dex 10
unarm cbt+1 dex 11
climb+1 str 9
lift+ str 8
air veh+ per 12
evidence+1 per 13
find+1 per 13
scholar+3 per 15
trick+1 per 13
science+1 min 10
faith+1 spi 12
intimidation+1 spi 12
equipment: .38 revolver
val 14
axiom lvl 20
rng s3-10, m25, l50
gadget belt (Flight 17)
tool kit
oscilloscope parts
400 nile royals
drama card:

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CUrrnet TORG Char

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