This is the Message Centre for Headmaster Cid

The Situation.

Post 1

Headmaster Cid

I've been a resarcher for 2 days. I've written 3 entries, all submited, with no replys. I've made 3 postings with 1 reply.

The Situation.

Post 2

Researcher 99947

There... happy??? Oh, and not to sound malicious, but I wouldn't hold your breath on the acceptance thing... there are lists as far back as twenty weeks to be accepted yet.... peristance is good, though.

The Situation.

Post 3


Oooh... I'll be a good samaritan here (call me a goodie-two-shoes)and post a reply just to help you get that warm & fuzzy feel... but it's just a seasonal thing, so don't go assuming it's typical behaviour from me.

The Situation.

Post 4

Researcher 99947


The Situation.

Post 5

Nihilism in five easy steps

Maybe this counts as killing with kindness...

The Situation.

Post 6


Yes, "fuzzy" - why? Did you feel a different sensation? *Jeepers! Perhaps I sent the wrong sensation!*

The Situation.

Post 7

Kopaylopa aka. Kayla Poponayla

Another hint- don't write articles on already existing approved guide entries! That's a sure way not to get one on to the right side of your screen. (from the author of the approved sushi article)

The Situation.

Post 8

Researcher 99947

Indeed; it isn't too hard to do a checkup on already accepted submissions

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