A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page

Hello All

Post 1


How are all of you? I've been half registered for several months but never got around to completing regestering. Would I need to put my journal and entries from "My Space" through the Peer Review for ppl to find it or how would they all find it?

Hello All

Post 2

The Frood (Stop Torture: A455528)

Journal entries are like forum entries, discussion points. They may not be placed into the peer editing process. People may find them by either going to your page and reading or using Power Search on forums.
Entries may also be find using power search, but if you wish them to become Edited Entries, you may submit them to the peer editing. They don't have to be and it is suggested that before you submit it, you read (and follow) the guidelines. ( http://www.h2g2.com/Writing-Guidelines )

Hello All

Post 3


Hello Omega smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

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