A Conversation for The Aces' Home Page
I'm new and quite friendly...
Tashalls, Muse of Flights of Fancy (Losing Weight at A858170) Started conversation Jun 19, 2000
Hi y'all,
I have just looked at my newly created "My Home" page to see whether anyone had popped by to say "hello".
Sadly, nothing.
So I have decided to beat you all to the punch.
So far I have edited my home page, applied to become an ACE (so ambitious, yet so unassuming...) and decided whether I have anything to say in my journal page. Oh yeah, I have visited some of your homepages - interesting, and some are quite elaborate. I can only dream to attain such dizzying heights of web-savvy.
So please pop by and give me some hints, comments and anything else you care to air.
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I'm new and quite friendly...
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