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NaJoWriMo19 - Birthday imbibing

Post 1

Metal Chicken

Today is my big sister's birthday. She's old obviously, even though she's just a few years older than me, but there are things that must be said and jokes that must be made. Those of you with older siblings will understand. However old she may be, she's still young enough to enjoy a day out in Sheffield - halfway between where we both live so it's a useful meeting place. Driving over the Snake Pass this morning, on another glorious Autumn day, was rather lovely. I even remembered to bring her birthday presents.

The Kelham Island area of Sheffield used to be an industrial quarter when Sheffield's steel industry was in full swing. These days it's been regenerated somewhat with a museum celebrating its history and some excellent pubs. I already knew the Kelham Island Tavern and the Fat Cat were good pubs serving a range of real ale and cider so we started with those while she ripped the wrapping paper off her gifts and looked suitably pleased with her haul.

We moved on to an award winning gastropub called the Milestone which we'd not tried before but it definitely lived up to its reputation for good food, beautifully presented and not outrageously priced. I especially liked the little selection of petit fours Phil had for dessert, with a rich chocolate truffle and an intensely fruity raspberry jelly thing. Next choice was the Harlequin, a new (to us) pub round the corner from Kelham Island with a blackboard offering a dozen or so real ciders and perries. It endeared itself to me further with the rude comments on the cider board about commercial fizzy not-real ciders such as 'Wrongbow' smiley - winkeye Shame I was driving so couldn't sample the selection but my sister was in her element.

Finally we pointed my sister and her partner in the direction of the railway station in plenty of time for the next train home, however I suspect they will have stopped at the Sheffield Tap for a last drink. It's right at the station which is handy for thirsty travellers. All in all a very pleasant day out to celebrate my sister getting old(er), in a city with many good places to eat and drink even in this one small corner of town. I must go back another day, not driving and explore these locations in greater detail smiley - cidersmiley - cider

NaJoWriMo19 - Birthday imbibing

Post 2


A train trip there is called for, especially if we get back to the station in time for a drink or two at the Sheffield Tap.

NaJoWriMo19 - Birthday imbibing

Post 3


Happy Birthday to your sister. smiley - devil

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