This is the Message Centre for Foxy Queen

Hi Foxy-Queen

Post 1

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Welcome to H2G2, where we all come to have some fun.
Tell us a little about yourself, and just join in whatever conversation you like. You'll find lots of friends here,


Hi Foxy-Queen

Post 2

Foxy Queen

Thanx. Ill just do that

Hi Foxy-Queen

Post 3

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Ok, and if you need help: don't hesitate to ask. We're almost all very helpful and mostly harmless smiley - smiley

Hi Foxy-Queen

Post 4

shazzPRME join in! I suggest a visit to MadMunk.He is the same age as you...and also form Wales,and is a very hooopy Frood smiley - smiley
shazzPRsmiley - winkeye

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