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Swings and roundabouts
Wand'rin star Started conversation Oct 6, 2014
I have a new front door and an old door knocker (Lincoln Imp sourced from Ebay via younger son)
My wind up radio that the same son gave me more than 20 years ago finally wound down this evening, but my older son gave me a much more portable replacement in return for heavy hints re Xmas present.
The weather was much colder today but windy enough to dry a line full of washing.
The water board doesn't seem to have read my meter correctly, but, if I am right, I won't have to pay them for the next year.
Last week the bus managed to crash into various things at Market Rasen where a 90 degree junction has always been an accident waiting to happen, but no-one was even slightly hurt and I managed to get about six inches of knitting done while waiting for the replacement bus.
A lovely long phone call from a friend in Hong Kong this evening who has been demonstrating every night for a week, but I'm only half glad that I'm not still there.
I bought some English strawberries today. same price as they were in July, but the fairly strict diet means no added luxury of sugar or cream.
Swings and roundabouts
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 6, 2014
Those wind-up radios are brilliant. But a more portable replacement sounds fine.
I haven't seen much about Hong Kong on the news, is it awful?
Swings and roundabouts
Wand'rin star Posted Oct 6, 2014
Not yet, Sho.
Thousands and thousands of very polite people, sharing in social media, using clingfilm and yellow umbrellas against tear gas, offering free water to those who have none, using yellow ribbons and removing blue (police) ones, making witty slogans in English and Cantonese. Trouble is that both sides can remember back 25 years, even those not born then.
Swings and roundabouts
You can call me TC Posted Oct 6, 2014
On the BBC web site Hong Kong has been the main story for several days.
Swings and roundabouts
Sho - employed again! Posted Oct 8, 2014
Thanks WS - I hope this can have a peaceful resolution. I worry about people who make waves in places like HK and China, even while I am so glad they do it.
TC I've pretty much given up on the BBC website - perhaps I should try it again.
Swings and roundabouts
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Oct 8, 2014
oo... There are still some English strawberries about then? may have to visit the market today, armed with that information
Personally, they taste better, anyhow, without the sugar adn cream on them
Though I'm rather partial to having them in a bowl with fruit yoghurt and musely
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Swings and roundabouts
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