A Conversation for The Da Vinci Code...'Lets have a heated debate'

Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code - new movie & Opus Dei

Post 1


Opus Dei want a disclaimer at the start of the new Ron Howard movie to point out that the film is a work of fiction.

Is this REALLY necessary?

What other movies should have carried a disclaimer even though the works were clearly fictional?

Miracle on 5th Avenue?

War of the Worlds??

(Incidentaly, H2G2 is a true story, it just hasn't happened yet).

Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code - new movie & Opus Dei

Post 2


I saw the movie today and don't remember a disclaimer at the beginning so I guess it was deemed not necessary. I agree with the general reviews of the film - that if you've not read the book you will be confused, and if you have read the book (and enjoyed) then you will be disappointed.

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Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code - new movie & Opus Dei

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