A Conversation for The Da Vinci Code...'Lets have a heated debate'

Writing Workshop: A6269583 - The Da Vinci Code...'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 1


Entry: The Da Vinci Code...'Lets have a heated debate' - A6269583
Author: HappyEeyore - U539546

The authors of the 'Holy Blood and the Holy Grail' were not very happy about Dan Browns book. The problem is that when you mix fiction with fact ...there's going to be trouble!

A6269583 - The Da Vinci Code...'Lets have a heated debate'

Post 2


HappyEeyore, this review forum is for entries that are factual and explain something, sort of like an encyclopedia. A discussion topic doesn't do that, so if you could please remove this from the Writing Workshop, that would be great. Just go to Writing-Workshop, find your entry and click on the 'x' to remove it. Then you can submit this post to <./>MiscChat</.>, a forum where you'll find conversations on just about anything!

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Writing Workshop: A6269583 - The Da Vinci Code...'Lets have a heated debate'

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