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marvthegrate LtG KEA Started conversation Nov 21, 1999
I also hail from Utah, glad to see more people from here on the Guide.
Shali Posted Nov 21, 1999
Thanks! Gotta love the weather today, huh? Brrr! I wonder how my horse will act?
marvthegrate LtG KEA Posted Nov 21, 1999
My best friend called me up to make sure that I knew it was snowing. I hate this bloody weather.
Shali Posted Nov 23, 1999
My horse was nuts. This is a weird thing for her, she's usually so well behaved...this weather does suck doesn't it? But I did get to sleep through most of the storm, then I had to get up for school (Whine wimper yelp)Grr!
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