This is the Message Centre for Chris
Chris Started conversation Dec 29, 2000
Well, this is my first proper entry in here so I'll try to write something worthwhile...
End of 2000, the "new beginning" wasn't all it was cracked up to be in the end, which didn't exactly surprise me much. I feel I have moved on a lot since last Christmas, can't quite put my finger on it but I reckon I've changed (hopefully for the best!). I prefer to quote from (URL removed by moderator) - "It was s**t, give us another one"
Not in the happiest of moods at the moment due to the influence of females (well, 1 female) but what is being a teenage male all about, eh? It is a happy time of year and I'm very much looking forward to a party I'm going to on Sunday - assuming I can navigate the roads given the current conditions!
Speaking of which, the snow is most exciting and if you visit my website you can see some great pictures I took of it here in rural Suffolk.
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