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Movie Musings

Post 1

Captain Armadillo

Friday night I finally went to see "Fight Club." Wow. First of all, does this movie remind anyone else of an entirely more violent "The Sixth Sense?" Second, can anyone else remember any movies about insomniacs? ("Prelude to a Kiss" is the only one that comes to mind.) Finally, I found it very humorous. I laughed almost every time Meatloaf was on the screen, and I loved the office scenes. As a side note, I finally discovered what that little black oval in the top right corner means.

Saturday I went to see "Dogma." I must admit there were fewer cameos than I was expecting. Brian O'Halloran returns as a reporter (last name of Hicks, for the third time. Is this a running gag?) Dwight Ewell (Hooper from "Chasing Amy") shows up as well. Kudos to Alanis for a sweet performance as God. Alan Rickman delivers an unexpected turn as an nice angel, after playing such sinister villans as the Sheriff of Nottingham in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" and the terrorist Hans Gruber in "Die Hard." All of the other performances (stable actors or new major names) were very up to snuff. I have no complaints. The big name cast and impressive visuals are a true testament (no pun intended) to Kevin's quality as a film maker. As another side note, I actually saw the little black oval in this film.

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