This is the Message Centre for Original Jackrabbit (OJR)


Post 1

Headmaster Cid

Okay, this is what I did. First I'm using GuideML for my page setting so do that if you're still in plain text. Next, I went to and got a page there for free. It's 10MB of pictures, so I have a lot of space. At Zy, there is this thing called a "File Store" where you can store files (duh); each file has an address, so I looked up Bruce's FAQ replies in the How to GuideML sections and used the text inside my page.


Post 2

Headmaster Cid

This is the text you have to use:
put your caption here+

*This means you won't have a shadow. If you want a shadow arround your picture, don't even put this in and go right on to EMBED.

**This is the justification. There are also RIGHT, CENTER, and FREE in addition to LEFT. As far as I know, you must specify a justification.

+This isn't nessisary either, if you don't want it, just end the whole thing like this:

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