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What do the royal blue helicopters mean?

Post 1


A few months ago I was sitting at my brother's grave and a great big royal blue helicopter hovered over me.

What did it mean? I don't know.

Perhaps someone would like to tell me.

I don't have a clue.

What do the royal blue helicopters mean?

Post 2


Personally, if someone could afford to spend that amount of time and trouble they could have the decency to let me know why they were doing it otherwise they have not only wasted a lot of fuel and polluted the atmosphere, they have wasted a lot of people's time and energy.

Not only that, my children are extremely unhappy because of people like the people in royal blue helicopters that have had such a disasterous affect on their mothers' life.

I am also extremely unhappy. This is not how it should be.


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What do the royal blue helicopters mean?

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