This is the Message Centre for Von Ludvig

like almost every day!

Post 1

Von Ludvig

It's late, I'm tired. I have to sleep for 6 hours and then get up and go to job again. Kind of stinky one, but ok. And I'm tired of talking about it al the time. Why can't I think about something else? I can and I do. Sometimes too much. Daydreaming... solo-brainstorming. I'm independent now. My own flat, my own job, my own mind and my own needs. What do I own anyway? Thoughts? Sure. Emotions? You bet! Knowledge? Positively! But i work hard so I can live. And I work even harder so can can express myself...

... this is going nowhere!

I must admit I have to develop somekind of a technique of writing for this page. Also I would like to contribute... although I don't know why. On the main page sais it is fun. Ok. We'll see about that. I like to love, give and take...

That's all for tonight, folx!


like almost every day!

Post 2


That is quite deep for this time in the eveningsmiley - winkeye

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like almost every day!

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