A Conversation for

Room 101

Post 1

Researcher 99947

Sorry... to further develop:

In 1984, a novel of negative utopia, written by George Orwell, Room 101 was used in the ministry of love as a torture chamber... Inside the room, people were confronted with their worst fears... whether drowning, being buried alive, being attacked by lions, having a spider crawl across your nose, having rats eat you alive- you name it, it was in there.

So, let's get the ball rolling... I have an abnormal fear of blood, my own, that is. Whenever I see it, I think I must be terminally ill, that I must have cancer, and I'm slowly dieing... you name it...
Anybody have something similar?

Room 101

Post 2


well, let's see.....fears......i seem to have quite a few of them but for now i will mention one and later on i might reveal a few more smiley - smiley
i have a fear of dirt...not getting dirt on me but of being dirty and smelling bad....i brush my teeth religiously, showering is a must!!, i am always checking to make sure my clothes do not smell stale...when it comes to my house i find that i am always doing something as far as cleaning or airing to keep it from smelling stuffy...for me there is nothing worse than bad smells on or around me...
monsy smiley - fish

Room 101

Post 3

Researcher 99947

let's see... that's one... two... two fears smiley - smiley That's okay... I'm not that concerned about dirt and smells myself, though cobwebs do get me... just the fact that they creep up on you
*shivers, quickly brings out dusty, the duster*

Room 101

Post 4


cobwebs bother me as well.....because of the fact that they might actually be spiderwebs that carry big nasty mean spiders with fangs that drip poison UGGHH!!!!
monsy smiley - fish

Room 101

Post 5


I have a phobia of owls. I just hate the way that they stare at you with those huge eyes. And what about their beaks and claws. AARRRGGGGHHHH! .em pleh esealP

Room 101

Post 6

Captain Armadillo

I have acrophobia when the lights are on and agoraphobia when the lights are off. Can you help me with this? BTW, I also get a vaso-vagel reaction whenever my blood is forcibly removed from my body, like with needles. I also get woozy when people describe (in graphic detail) certain operations. Especially when the doctor says something like "Your lung is collapsed. Did you know this?" *THUD*

Room 101

Post 7

Researcher 99947

Hmm... acrophobia... is that the fear of acronyms, or the fear of heights? Hmm... either way, I'm not sure what the problem is smiley - smiley
Oh, and I get that: agoraphobia when the lights aren't on... mainly because I think to much; Kind of like hooking me and piece of sponge cake up with the you-know-what... strange... try sleeping with a nightlight. You go into seizures? I could see you fainting, but... I feel for you, man! Oh... and try earplugs, or just start describing something completely disgusting, so whoever you're conversing with will have your same reaction.

Room 101

Post 8

Captain Armadillo

Clustrophobia. That's it. That's waht I get with the lights on. If I can see that I'm in a small space, I get panicky, but if I can't see, I get worried that I'm in too large of a space and have to be able to feel the blankets, or walls, or arms of a woman, whatever. That's really where I was going with that roller skate of thought.

Room 101

Post 9

Researcher 99947

Sorry for the delay, Captain! Are you getting enough air circulating in the room? A lot of doctors suggest to claustraphobics that they have their windows open, so that the air is circulating and they feel as though they aren't enclosed... also, the color of your room can affect this... white and yellow are naturals when it comes to bringing about claustraphobia (as well as paranoia)... depending on your preferences, you might want to try a creamy robin's egg blue, or a light rose petal pink; if you're walls are already painted or wallpapered as such, hmm... try Feng Shui... you might be surprised how much better you feel. As I said, try sleeping with a light on, but not in direct view.. just so that you get a mellow light source.
I really think you should try the window thing.

Room 101

Post 10

Captain Armadillo

When I'm sleeping, I don't get claustrophobia, that's the thing. I have mild scotophobia (fear of the dark) from horror stories told in 6th grade. The real downer is that I'm also a bit of an insomniac. But I'm okay in most rooms. Large theaters that are dimly lit give me nerves (especially if they have lots of people watching to see if I will trip) and tiny rooms with bright fluorescent lighting make me uncomfortable. (Maybe it's more of a temperature thing.) I love cars and planes for some reason. I'm just N-V-T-S. And just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean everyone isn't out to get me.

Room 101

Post 11


here is a giggle for you all.....
keep in mind before i reveal this fear that i am female and stand six feet tall
i am terrified of heights!!!
monsy smiley - fish

Room 101

Post 12

Researcher 99947

Ooh... well, I don't think sex plays a factor in phobias.... neither does weight and/or height.... I also suffer from that smiley - sadface

Room 101

Post 13

Captain Armadillo

For me, it's not the heights that bug me. More the falling from them. Even more than falling, is the sudden stop at the end.

Room 101

Post 14

Researcher 99947

Indeed... it isn't the falling at all.... do you know that babys, up to a certain age (or until a loved one drops them) have no fear of falling? They don't know what it is.... to console parents that have lost children due to impact with the ground due to a fall/drop, Doctors tell them exactly what the child would have felt:

Like you're completely free, having the best experience you've ever had... all the lights swirling around, the air blowing in the face... they don't feel the impact with the ground, and have no fear of it...

I choose to believe this, I don't know about you, though... makes sense to me... I was never afraid of getting a shot until I got one... never afraid of being bit by a dog 'til I was bit by one, etc.

Room 101

Post 15

Captain Armadillo

I was never afraid of getting hit by cars until my sister got her license.

Room 101

Post 16

Researcher 99947

I was hit by a car before, wasn't I Monsy?

Room 101

Post 17

Swiv (decrepit postgrad)

seaweed, seaweed and more seaweed.
i hate the stuff.
why is a little awkward as I live by the sea.

Why oh why did I let my parents send my swimming with seals for my birthday - oh the seaweed

(how do you draw a cringing face)

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