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"New" states

Post 1

Miss Gunn

Well, I just don't know about these "New" states. I mean, when you put the word "New" before your product, usually the product has some semblance of the old product. However, if you told someone from Jersey that New Jersey was just the new and improved version of Jersey, they'd just laugh at you and boot you in the shin. Not that I've tried. And New Mexico– why is it when someone puts "new" in front of their product that it suddenly is much much smaller? Is less Mexico somehow supposed to be better? And what happened to the beaches? When they decided to make "new" Mexico, they decided to do away with all of the beaches? And this "New York" business is just silly. I mean, changing "New" Amsterdam to "New" York? That's just like Crystal Pepsi trying to pass itself off as "Crystal Coke". Did someone decide that the place was much more like York than Amsterdam, and then figure they didn't need to think up a new name for the state itself? New Hampshire gets in on another rant, so I'll let it be for now.


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"New" states

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