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South Dakota

Post 1

Miss Gunn

When I found myself on this place called earth, I realized I needed to have somewhere to claim to be from. At first I considered the Arctic Ocean, but when I discovered that most of the people here are land dwellers, I had to come up with something quick. South Dakota! Later, during my stay here, I decided to visit the place just to have been to the places within the place. Understand? However, when I actually crossed into the region of the United States named "South Dakota", I discovered that the huuuuuuuuge tracts of land were completely empty of people. Except for Lucy. But the only entities who know of Lucy's exisitance are me and Lucy, so Lucy may have been a figment of my imagination. There were lots of houses and a corn palace etc, and a couple of cardboard stand-up people, for to take your picture with, but otherwise, South Dakota's population must be the census of bison..... However! I still claim to be from South Dakota, because not many people are aware of the planet Artemis, and who in their right mind would claim to be from "South Dakota"?

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South Dakota

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