This is the Message Centre for Spaceechik, Typomancer

Thanks Rich

Post 1

Phred Firecloud

I love the banner photo on the "Tour" article.

I'll get right to work finishing the series.


PS...I stole the photo.

Thanks Rich

Post 2

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Hi Phred, long time no hear!

I think you meant this post for a different person. My name is Diane, and I've written nothing recently (that I've posted, anyway), so "Tour" and series didn't 'compute'.

I hope you and Mrs. Phred are doing well out on the road. Hope you don't mind but I'm going to add your blog to my RSS feed, just so I can follow you. Traveling vicariously is about the only kind I can afford anymore. smiley - laugh

Best wishes!

Thanks Rich

Post 3

Phred Firecloud

Hi Space Lady,

Sorry I seem to have screwed up on cyberspace once again.

Good to talk to you once more.

Bobsmiley - biggrin

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