A Conversation for Broadcast on the behalf of the Equal Rights for Lemmings party

California Pocket Gophers:

Post 1


I may be going a little out on a limb on this one, but aren't California Pocket Gophers identically the same thing as Arctic Lemmings, except of course for the place where they live. Putting one each side by side on neutral ground, I personally would be awfully hard put to say which was which if didn't know before hand. Those hardy and industrious and often incredibly wily ice age survivors, surviving underground since the end of the last glacial epoch despite climate change that's done away with most
of the remainder of the ice age fauna. The point also perhaps may shed some light on the reason for the legendary lemming marches, perhaps a consequence of flooding of burrows in conditions of unusual permfrost melt.

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California Pocket Gophers:

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