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I got the job! :o)
Roasted Amoeba Started conversation Aug 11, 2000
In case the subject of this journal entry, didn't give it away:
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT THE JOB!!! I GOT TH...
okay maybe i need to calm down.
(small note of explanation: it's my dream job, in web design, and today i was offered the job. i... errr... accepted)
I got the job! :o)
Roasted Amoeba Posted Aug 11, 2000
I was in one of those "I have to tell the whole wide world about this regardless of whether anybody is interested" moods...
I got the job! :o)
shrinkwrapped Posted Aug 11, 2000
Hey, don't get me wrong - I would be too.
Any chance of a job for me anywhere near Basingstoke?
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I got the job! :o)
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