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Roasted Amoeba Started conversation Jul 24, 2000
I haven't been to church for a couple of months, so I decided that something needed to be done about it. In this case, the best thing to do about it appeared to be actually *going* to church...
Which I did. I went (with Matt) to Netley Christian Fellowship, a fairly small church just outside of Southampton. It was lovely, all the people were very friendly, and I was reminded of just what church should be like.
On a slightly less spiritual note, I have a job interview tomorrow...
*is very nervous about this*
Bluebottle Posted Jul 26, 2000
Yes folks - it's true. I did indeed drag him to church - Netley Christian Fellowship - and despite the lack of sugar-cubes, I'm pleased to say he enjoyed himself there.
So, how did I learn about this church? Hopefully all will be revealed....
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