This is the Message Centre for Roasted Amoeba


Post 1

Roasted Amoeba

George is four weeks old today! He has been flourishing nicely over the last week or so, really putting his roots down and turning over a new leaf. Soon he will be branching out into new things...

George is my pet fern.


Post 2

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

At least you have a live pet. My only pet is a dead starfish. His name is Fred and he lives on my wall. Occasionally I rotate him. He seems happy. But how can I tell?


Post 3

Roasted Amoeba

George is dying... sob... sob... sob... I don't think I am going to be able to cope with life now. My best friend is dying! DYING!

Now where's the nearest 42-storey building with a nice big window...

I wish I had a dead starfish. They sound cool.


Post 4

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Sometimes Fred is cool. And sometimes he's when the sun shines on him. When he's hot, he smells fishy.

I'm starting to feel like Ralph Wiggum. This will have to stop.


Post 5

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

It did - for a whole 29 weeks.


Post 6

Roasted Amoeba



Post 7

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

There there.


Post 8

Roasted Amoeba

Where where?


Post 9

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

There there!


Post 10

Roasted Amoeba

Oh yes. Thanks.



Post 11

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

*hands him a tissue*

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