This is the Message Centre for Roasted Amoeba

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 41

Roasted Amoeba

3 years old! Ooooh... that WILL be exciting. smiley - smiley

It's nice that these 15-year-old "young-uns" like h2g2, I guess. In my day, we weren't allowed to have a sense of humour until we were at least 17 years old... and then only if we brushed our teeth carefully.

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 42


My imagination is running rings around my brain... kindly explain Oh One Celled One...

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 43

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

mmmmm im with greebs, what exactly are you going on about? na i kinda get what your saying. my 15 yr old brother spends all his time on the net.....which is why i dont grace the net with my prescence too often......cos i cant get near the bloody machine......

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 44

Roasted Amoeba

Oh... er... it wasn't supposed to mean anything. Just one of those random comments that have no meaning behind them whatsoever...

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 45

pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival)

okay, i lied i had no clue what you were on about......
just one of those head f**k statements, right?

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 46


Guess me just got a dirty mind... ~grin~... oh well!!

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 47

Roasted Amoeba

Precisely. Sorry about that. I'll try not to confuse everybody in the future... smiley - smiley

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 48


Why not? i'm always confused anyway.smiley - smiley

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 49

Roasted Amoeba

Well, okay.

More specifically, I'll try not to say something that Greebo might interpret as being dirty...

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 50


Wayyyy Hayyyyy... ~dirty grin~... ~wink!!~

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 51

Roasted Amoeba

And here was me thinking that you were just an innocent little cat that liked doughnuts... smiley - winkeye

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 52


how wrong you weresmiley - winkeye

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 53


whatever has made you change your opinion???

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 54

Roasted Amoeba

Who said I'd changed my opinion? smiley - winkeye

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 55


*raises eyebrow*

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 56

Roasted Amoeba

Only one eyebrow? I've never been able to do that.

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 57


*looks smug*

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 58


*raises eyebrows alternately*
I like being able to do this, it annoys people

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 59

Roasted Amoeba

Which is, of course, your ultimate aim in life... smiley - winkeye

Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)

Post 60


Me didn't know birds had eyebrows... ~grinny grin~... curiouser and curiouser said Greebo...

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