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Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Roasted Amoeba Started conversation May 4, 2000
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Peregrin Posted May 4, 2000
I've got some cabbage flavoured fire around somewhere if you want it.
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Roasted Amoeba Posted May 4, 2000
I don't like cabbages.
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival) Posted May 5, 2000
the only cabbage ive ever seen looks like its been to chernobyl and back
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Roasted Amoeba Posted May 5, 2000
Does it speak Ukranian?
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
GreeboTCat Posted May 6, 2000
Me likes that sort of cabbage that looks, smells and tastes like a doughnut... ~grin~... they are called... er... er... me forgot!!!
~Greebo wonders around scratching her head~
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Peregrin Posted May 6, 2000
That looks suspiciously like it's been genetically modified.
*Peregrin surreptisiously pages his Greenpeace contacts. Suddenly five white containment suit wearing commandos burst through the windows, and all aim their flamethrowers at the cabbage. Soon there is nothing left except a small pile of dust, which one of the commandos neatly sweeps into a minature dustpan. They leave.*
Here, Greebo, you don't want any of that GMO rubbish. Here, have a PROPER, original, donut.
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Roasted Amoeba Posted May 6, 2000
*bursts out crying at the sight of commandos*
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Demon Drawer Posted May 6, 2000
Cabbage stands up to commandos and says.
Menya savoot Cabbage.
Da. I'm a Cabbage from the Chernobyl region, but I am not genetically modifies any more than you ape decendants are from the prieval slime.
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Peregrin Posted May 7, 2000
Hmm. H2G2 is moving slower than a tortoise in a Skoda on the M25 today.
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
GreeboTCat Posted May 7, 2000
Hey... me was just jogging on the M25 and a tortoise in a Skoda just past me... wierd coincidence or what?????
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
GreeboTCat Posted May 7, 2000
Were you by any chance sitting beside a tortoise in a Skoda Oh One Celled one???
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Bluebottle Posted May 8, 2000
The other day I rowed a boat, and then a tortoise in a skoda as well as TWELVE doughnuts in a Greebo as well as a Roasted Amoeba came over me.
Next time I get a boat, I'm getting one with an outboard motorcar.
Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
Demon Drawer Posted May 8, 2000
Was ist das?
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Rabbits and mint-flavoured brimstone (among other things)
- 1: Roasted Amoeba (May 4, 2000)
- 2: Peregrin (May 4, 2000)
- 3: Roasted Amoeba (May 4, 2000)
- 4: Demon Drawer (May 5, 2000)
- 5: pink_sparkley_fairy (whos really looking forwrd to reading festival) (May 5, 2000)
- 6: Roasted Amoeba (May 5, 2000)
- 7: GreeboTCat (May 6, 2000)
- 8: Roasted Amoeba (May 6, 2000)
- 9: Peregrin (May 6, 2000)
- 10: Roasted Amoeba (May 6, 2000)
- 11: Demon Drawer (May 6, 2000)
- 12: Peregrin (May 7, 2000)
- 13: GreeboTCat (May 7, 2000)
- 14: Peregrin (May 7, 2000)
- 15: Roasted Amoeba (May 7, 2000)
- 16: GreeboTCat (May 7, 2000)
- 17: Roasted Amoeba (May 7, 2000)
- 18: Bluebottle (May 8, 2000)
- 19: J'au-æmne (May 8, 2000)
- 20: Demon Drawer (May 8, 2000)
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