This is the Message Centre for BrightMorn

Who am I?

Post 1


Who am I? Who am I like, whom do I wish to become like? Moses, in a way I am like him, he felt that he could not speak for God. That he could not properly express himself to others to make them understand the truth. I can not express how I was feel. This is me, I am him. No one seems to understand where I am coming from not even my self. I want to speak, to share my troubles. Nevertheless, when I do I misunderstandings occur, for I can not understand all that is going on in my own life. However, unlike Moses I have no brother to help me speak to my Pharaoh, whoever he may be?

I have very little to say. How to say it is my problem, or is it that I have so much to say that I can not express how I feel without getting confused. I forget where I am, and in getting lost, I lose those who would be my staunchest supporters.

Why is it that I care so little about how I do in school? Why is it that I care so much, about how other people perceive me, yet it does not seem to effect the first questions answer until it is too late to save my self from oblivion.

All of the perceptions of my self that are created by other people, I seem to care about those selves more than I do about my own feelings about myself. This preoccupation has created problems greater than anything else has. In order to showoff, I will go to great lengths but I will not open to people at all, unless they are total strangers. I keep myself locked in my own little room. I am not even sure if I know myself now. If you let your self become too use to a mask do you become that mask and forget what is behind it? I am afraid that is happening to me. I am becoming something that I am not and am afraid that it may be too late to return to my true self because I am unsure of what that true self truly is.

Why is it that I care so little for how my life is going and care even less about changing it…


Who am I?

Post 2

Researcher 55674

Hmmmmmm... Brightmorn?
For some reason you don't sound very bright and cheery to me.
Maybe I am wrong, but if this is who you think you are, if you are so concerned for what others
think about you, then what you are in is a prison. The prison you have built is not made of stone or
iron bars, yet it is all the stronger because it is a prison of your own making. Until you see yourself
for what you are and accept it, you will never be freeof it.

You identify with Moses, and in that maybe you are right. Perhaps, like Moses you think impossible what you
have never tried. The sad part is that almost all of humanity is in the same position. You are not alone.
As for talking to God, the bible says that "All may come boldly before the throne of God." God is listening,
perhaps you've never really tried to talk to him. Or maybe you've never really listened to his replies.

You say you don't care enough about your life to change it, and maybe that's true, but there is someone who
cares. Jesus cares. Jesus cared enough for you to do die for you, even though at some point in your life, you
have rejected him, even as we all have, even as you may be doing now.

If you're still reading by now, I'll assume you're somewhat interested in what I have to say.
Jesus died to give you a gift. Namely, the gift of eternal life. Who is Jesus to offer this gift? Jesus is God, as
he said himseld "I and and my father are one". Remember the story of Adam and Eve? God had to throw
them out of paradise because of what they had done, and because God cannot stand to look upon sin, the
essence of which is disobedience to god. However, God also made Adam and Eve a promise that day, a
promise that one day he would send someone to allow people back into God's Country. Jesus is the
the fulfillment of that promise. He is the deliverer that God promised, he can deliver you if you want him to.

I'm not sure that you'll ever read this message, and even if you do I might never know it. I started to write
this message because you sounded like you had a problem, and I suppose there's no point in stopping now.
There are basically four things that I in good conscience cannot stop writing without telling you.
1. You have disobeyed and rejected God, everyone has
2. You need something to remedy that disobedience
3. You must believe that Jesus is that remedy, and you must believe that he died for you, that he is God, and
that he rose from the dead and is preparing a place for you in heaven. More than that, you must ask Jesus
(remember earlier I told you that you can go boldly before the throne of God) to forgive you of all that you have
done against him, and promise to leave those things behind and give your life to him.
4. Know that someday, it will be too late to recieve the gift of Jesus, and it means the difference between
eternal life and eternal torment

That is all I have to say, whether you care or not.
This message is for your information only,if you want it. Please do not be offended by anything I have written, but
remember this, if you take nothing else from this message: If someone loves you, and cares about you, can
you at least show some of the same interest?

In case you're wondering, I'm a student at Tech too
Maybe this sounds stupid to you,
but if you ever want to talk, about this or anything
please email me: [email protected]

Who am I?

Post 3

The Fashion Police

How Utterley Butterley Boring, No one in there right mind would read aaaaaallllllllllllll of that.

Anyway how would you like to join the Independent Republic of Bodmin?!?!

I love the Welsh and the English and the scotish, infact were a multi racial socity.

Who am I?

Post 4

The Fashion Police

How Utterley Butterley Boring, No one in there right mind would read aaaaaallllllllllllll of that.

Anyway how would you like to join the Independent Republic of Bodmin?!?!

I love the Welsh and the English and the scotish, infact were a multi racial socity. Honist.....

Who am I?

Post 5

The Fashion Police

O, Bugger. That wasn't ment to happen.

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