This is the Message Centre for Glaws

sorry have to mention it again!

Post 1


Yes, rugby. Well it's a fairly important day tomorrow - the European Cup and Shield. Gloucester didn't do so well last season so they are in the shield - we've got Biaritz and Spain (no I don't know how an international side only managed entry at shield level) in our group.

We are playing Biaritz saturday, at Kingsholm - both sides are resting their league sides. Still Biaritz are fielding Bernat Salles and more frighteningly Frano Botica (he was almost a Gloucester player). Glaws are on a bit of a roll so this should be no trouble (famous last words). But I can't afford to go and watch it so I'll Hopefully watch Bath be humiliated by Toulose on the telly while listening to Gloucester on the radio.


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sorry have to mention it again!

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