This is the Message Centre for Aeon Jeth 99095

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 1

Aeon Jeth 99095

Tommorow i will run in the West Finger Lakes League Championship. I am a good runner, and my team will be going to the NY State Championship. We are currently ranked 3rd in NY state, and we are just the kind of team who can pull off an upset.
My grades are doing decently, and i amm currenlty looking for collages in the NE states. maby even streching to Ohio or Indiana.
The H2G2 is a GREAT idea, and the choise of the name is real Class.
today i also tryed to find an Ambient Dance MP3 for my Rio. no luck. i will try again tommorrow, as i have no homework...
This concludes this jornal entry. i hope my school computer does not block this site, so i can add from school

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 2


so youre a runner eh? lots of my friends are...
how is the college hunt going for you?

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 3

Aeon Jeth 99095

God, it's nerve racking, some days i dont find a darn one i'm interested in, other days i find 5 or 6. but i will keep trying 8)

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 4


are you a junior or a senior? i hate this whole application thing...i swear its gonna make me go crazy!!!!!

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 5

Aeon Jeth 99095

i'm a junior, but it's about time to gto on the dreaded trips with my parents.

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 6


oooo get started early---and when your parents nag and nag and nag you about starting those applications in the SUMMERTIME, dont bitch and moan--do it!!!!!!!!! because things are so stressful right now...
not all college trips are that bad...smiley - winkeye

First Entry, Oct. 29, `99

Post 7

Aeon Jeth 99095

Yeah, i'll keep that in mind. My mom is a collage conssultant, so she will take good care of me smiley - smiley

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