This is the Message Centre for Slacker


Post 1


Well, I suppose I ought to start using this properly really. I'll probably put up some pages of my own in the near future - some about the game I'm working on, and others just about things that annoy me.


Post 2




Post 3


So what's happening at TDV?
Will we get a glimpse into the magic and wonder of the HitchHiker's Offices - maybe even the game?
Will there be another journal entry by Slacker? Will a race of strange beings come down to earth and demand copies of Human Nature recordings and Jam donuts? Will the virtual universe in DNA's office ever be made public?
smiley - winkeye


Post 4

Tikan (ACE)

Hey there, I dont think he will ever reply again. He has hit the inifinite improbability drive button, and turned into a bowl of pentunias. He is gone, WAMMO, nada.


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