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Streaker Started conversation Oct 19, 1999
I streaked last friday at our homecoming football game. I'm famous in the district now. I didn't quite make the papers though. I bummin about that. I gotta think of somethong bigger to do before the year is out.
an apple tree Posted Oct 22, 1999
grow breasts out of your back and a bass guitar out of your left nazal passage, then, STREAK AGAIN!
an apple tree Posted Oct 24, 1999
are you aware of just how many words which suggest uncertainty you used in that sentence? hmm? I WON'T STAND FOR IT!! the year's almost out and all you can do is Deliberate? PULL THOSE SOCKS OFF!! get out there and SHOW SOME BUTTOCK!
Streaker Posted Oct 24, 1999
but the year has only just begun. I can see it now, a town, a land where everyone knows the shape and size of my down belows! I'm thinkin some cart wheels, some flips, and what not. The event is small, but the ideas are enormous! I'll be remembered.
an apple tree Posted Oct 25, 1999
argh, you got me....i just hope, for the good of the nation, you'll be wearing sequined pants and a midriff top with "i'm a wild pig!" scrawled across it in hot pink. think of your Nation man. your NATION
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