This is the Message Centre for Olli

A story, with a script

Post 41

Dizzy H. Muffin

I'm the President of BlainesFreet™, Ltd. It's officially a JavaScript brokering service, but since we're apparently isolated, I'll tell you that it's also an information gathering system. People are /bound/ to notice I'm missing [strange flickering effect around him for an instant] so my Second In Command would send out some feelers to find out where I am. [the strange flickering happens again] From there, they should use my teleporter, if they get it to work, and then --

[Suddenly, YK starts glowing green brightly. He fades out, with the green still there. The green fades out a moment later. Throughout this whole strange effect which added a fortune to the budget, a warbling tremolo is audible. YK is now gone.]

A story, with a script

Post 42

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Shame, I was going to ask him if he wanted to be a Freak (c) I think he fits the bill quite well smiley - smiley

What about you then Olli?

A story, with a script

Post 43


what are those pictures on the page which I cant see?

A story, with a script

Post 44

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

A problem.

They're meant to be but doesn't do.. *offsite file requests.*

So I've sent them to the POST thingy but haven't got a reply from the great orange yet.

A story, with a script

Post 45


Madmunk is an orange?

A story, with a script

Post 46

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Yes, Olli, MadMunk is an orange.


Have I not been going around aying that for ages ?? Have I not been telling the world how MadMunk is an orange??? Is it not very obvious??

Duh, man, MadMunk is an orange.

smiley - winkeye

A story, with a script

Post 47


Does he know your calling him that?

A story, with a script

Post 48

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

"Does he know?"


Hahahaha smiley - smileysmiley - winkeye

Course he knows. I've never seen anyone protest so much in my life!

smiley - winkeye

A story, with a script

Post 49


I'm not a flippin orange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A story, with a script

Post 50

Dizzy H. Muffin

[materializes the same way he dematerialized, only this time he fades /in/, not /out/.] Me neither!

A story, with a script

Post 51

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

YK is not an orange.

MadMunk is. (heh)

A story, with a script

Post 52


Neil is *DA* orange peel!
smiley - winkeye

A story, with a script

Post 53

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga



Post 54

Dizzy H. Muffin

Good question. Now, Olli, are you referring to Neil Diamond? Did I spell his first name right? No? Then is it Niel? I thought so.


Post 55




Post 56


who is Neil Diamond anyway?


Post 57

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

something about spatulas


Post 58

Dizzy H. Muffin

Neiel Diamond is the writer of the song "I am I said," which I am not making up:

/I am I said
/To no one there
/And no one heard at all, not
/Even the chair


Post 59

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

the spatula heard


Post 60

Dizzy H. Muffin

And that's just one of the songs Neil wrote! In "Play me," he uses this:

/Songs she sang to me,
/Songs she brang to me...

Insipid, ain't it?

[singing to Neil's song "Song Sung Blue"] Song Sung Blue, [to a bouncy song] I'm Skippy the Kangaroo! [to a song from "The Pirates of Penzance"] And it sometimes is a plurdled thing to be a kangaroo.

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