A Conversation for Air

I'm sorry...

Post 1

Researcher 38533

Terribly sorry researchers but aren't ALCOHOL and AIR the same thing (excuse me, same difference). Air breathing clubs are clubs for the slightly intoxicated and those in air breathing clubs really should consider (at a previous suggestion) B.A (breathers anon.) just like those who consume a worrying amount of alcohol should go to AA. This being the case we should all be members of BA because in my opinion we all breathe to much air.
Suggestions for overcoming this:
Hold your breath for 10 minutes.
Do 50 sumersualts while holding your breath.

don't be sorry

Post 2


Some good ideas there Researcher 38533.

I know that I do breath too much and I am trying to cut back. Each day brings me closer to my goal of breathing just four times a year. Also maybe to entertain others, you know, as a party trick and things like that.

I'll try your suggestion for overcoming this. I do believe that it will help. Thanks. smiley - smiley

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