This is the Message Centre for Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Before the Steps concert and Southend air-show......

Post 1

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Well, right now it's Saturday night of the 20th May 2000, and I'm getting slightly geared up for the up-coming Steps concert at Wembly Arena on Monday. So far I know that some of the supporting acts are as follows:
Atomic Kitten,
Northern Line,
Buffalo G

And then the next week for Sunday 28th May and Monday 29th, is the annual Southend air show, and on the Monday should be fun as Jules (from h2g2), is coming with me! How fun! Especially as my fave boyband are there: SKANDAL!!!!!!! ( ) for anyone who is interested!!!!

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Before the Steps concert and Southend air-show......

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