A Conversation for Where are you headed?

The WHAT room?

Post 1


I’m sorry but the name of this room has been troubling me. I don’t know if it’s a national or regional thing in the UK but if someone were to tell me they needed a ride I would automatically assume that they were after some sort of sexual gratification. Just thought I should point that out as I drag myself out of the gutter …

The WHAT room?

Post 2

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Errrr........I had hoped the intro page would be more clear, but the "ride" in this case refers to a car ride. I have no idea if this is a regional thing, but it isn't a UK thing, because I got it from the "Need-A-Ride Board" at the University of Illinois. It was a board where you could post a request for a ride, or offer a ride to someone who needed one. Of course, the ride was supposed to be a far away location like another state, not just to the post office and back.

The WHAT room?

Post 3

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I have to admit your idea sounds more fun, but I could get kicked off h2g2 for offering THAT kind of service smiley - smiley

The WHAT room?

Post 4


Hmm, I don't know mind ... with some careful wording this could become h2g2's unofficial 'hitch-up' forum for those with love on their minds. It has been in the air recently ...

The WHAT room?

Post 5

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Or maybe I need to sign up a romance advisor.....

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 6


I thought getting people to matches was supposed to be my job as team Unicyclist!

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 7

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I wouldn't worry about it too much - Pip isn't around that often. Would you like your name added to this room? That would give everyone a choice, and we all know that most people will take a unicycle ride over a car ride (at least for short trips)

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 8


Yes, why not? Could you? Ta!

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 9

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Ok Bluebottle, it's done smiley - smiley

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 10


Ta. I hope you're not getting fed up of me and all my whining... I won't do it again - honest!

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 11

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

No problem smiley - smiley I don't consider it whining at all....anything that keeps the Frink's Drinks forums alive is a good thing!

And congrats on the popularity of the Waterworks/Beach smiley - smiley

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 12


Thanks. I'm very pleased on how it's working out!
Still, I'm aiming to visit all the Frinks Drinks rooms one-by-one eventually, so I'll see you about.

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 13

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Sounds good to me smiley - smiley

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 14


Hello? Is anyone here? I need a ride. Or maybe you can suggest a driving route from Hong Kong to London, where I assume the next game will be held?

Hong Kong to London

Post 15


You could always cycle by sea.

Hong Kong to London

Post 16

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

A seacycle?

The WHAT room?

Post 17


Being a red blooded Englishman I was a little bit curious myself. Funnily enough I do know a girl called Pip who offers a service more in keeping with the English colloquial version of the room.

Oh well, I suppose a lift to the next game's out of the question?

The WHAT room?

Post 18

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

No, but you may have to wait a while........

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 19

Penguin Girl - returned at last

I would prefer a unicycle ride...

Demarcation! That's the Problem.

Post 20


Really? Well, as the team unicyclist, I must say that I think that is a great choice.
Did you have any unicycle in mind???

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