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Dressing in plastic and rolling in grass

Post 1


Tonight I dressed up in a one-piece white plastic hooded suit and a party mask. I then went to the top of a grassy natural ampitheatre on the University of Bradford campus with about 50 or so similarly attired people. There, we waved sparkler fireworks around. I then rolled and slid down the grassy bank, as did some of the others, although some more cautious ones walked down.

And no, I haven't started drinking again. smiley - winkeye It was all part of an event called 'Persuasion', staged by a local theatre company called Leikin Loppu, who you can read about here: .

I love being a student and a theatre person. Sometimes it's like being excused from adulthood. smiley - somersault

Dressing in plastic and rolling in grass

Post 2


smiley - biggrin
Sounds like fun
I used to roll down hills whenever I could when I was much younger. Exhilirating. smiley - smiley I'm afraid I'll get dizzy now.

I've had kids for a long time and then your not frowned upon when you climb trees and chase round the house with homemade bow and arrows - not even when you are 52, the youngest are in the teens and you have grandchildren to play with smiley - biggrin.

Last year I went for a walk along the beach with a friend. A quite new friend - same age as me - who didn't know me well. I fancied building a sandcastle - and after a bit of hesitation he joined me. It was good fun - and became a very elaborate castle. Two kids a couple of hundreds m. away looked puzzled for a while seing two old people play on the beach - but then they went on with their own business. And we talked better after having had fun with each other.

I like to play. smiley - smiley

Dressing in plastic and rolling in grass

Post 3

Santragenius V

Playing is good smiley - ok Never let them take away your inner child smiley - smiley

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