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Are beer guts genetic?

Post 1


I was fascinated to read this report from the BBC Health site - - suggesting that some men inherit a tendency to flabby stomachs. I'd always assumed that mine was the result of smiley - ale, smiley - crisps, smiley - porkpie, smiley - choc etc, but it seems that I might be able to blame my Dad!

Thing is, though, he likes the occasional smiley - ale and he's enviably slim. Perhaps I'd better try to stick to the diet and the gym visits after all. smiley - bigeyes

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 2

Trout Montague

Coulda come down the other channel?

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 3


Hmm... The report suggests that the gene specifically affects men, which made me think that the porky tendencies were probably patrilineal. Then again, genetic traits often skip a generation, and my paternal Grandad was pretty plump...

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 4

Greta_9, Keeper of the 4/4 Beat and Deep Sexy Basslines, in a strange condition

Well, theoretically speaking body shape is genetic. But it may also be altered through exercise (or lack thereof) or, erm cosmetic surgery! smiley - blush When I was little I looked a lot like my dad, but growing up I managed to ruin that by breaking my nose and then some. One of the things I have inherited (and I will never be rid of, not in a million years) is the shape of my tummy, which is a little curved. 200 sit-ups a day could do nothing to flatten it, so I guess I'll keep it that way and start treating it as a distinctive trait, insteda of a flaw...

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 5


I think I read that article too.

Although it only affects men there is no reason why women can't "silently" carry the gene. So you could get it from your mother. smiley - scientist

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 6

Trout Montague

See, Fat Bob's yer Uncle.

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 7


Fair enough. Next time my Mum nags me about my stomach, I can say 'Well, it could be your fault'. smiley - winkeye

Greta, I think you should go and see the very funny film I've seen tonight. It's called 'Real Women Have Curves'! smiley - biggrin

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 8

Researcher 219460

If you know who to change your Gentic gene compound then your beer gut will be smiley - ghost only thing is that that have to keep 1 gentic gene of your orginal compound to keep your sanity, &/or insanity & remember to change your gentic gene compund back to the orginal full stais so something bad don't happen like you drip like wicked witch of the west. From Zero smiley - cool

Are beer guts genetic?

Post 9

Greta_9, Keeper of the 4/4 Beat and Deep Sexy Basslines, in a strange condition

I've heard of the film, but I don't think it's going to be distributed over here. I see your point though smiley - smiley I'm not terribly curvy, more on the tall-and-lean side, so I do, in a way, appreciate the fact that my hips and belly are a little softer, as the rest of me is bony smiley - smiley For the record, I'm not into the "starved child" look... I was extremely thin as a child, and didn't like it one bit.

It's really strange, and interesting, to hear men discuss their body shape, it's very infrequent. Generally speaking, men tend to be less conscious of their body shape, isn't that true? Women worry about fat and flab and cellulite and stretch marks all the time.

I can see why cosmetic surgery is addictive, although I have to say that I'll stop at my nose. I had it done for free because I couldn't breathe properly from it, but if I'd had to fork out for the surgery I think I would've passed. I can find better ways to spend my money than trying to look like Barbie smiley - biggrin The nose was really bothering me. Everything else is fine or I can live with...

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