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Post 1


blah. first half of the day was quite near ace, saw Xmen with the guys and ate with them at AJ's which of course sucks but was still fun. One problem: Wes Bentley Boy, with whom things went rather well at our initial meeting, seemed a bit cold today. Really weird. Eh. Might be me coz I'm a bit paranoid and everytime they do something kinda in-jokey I automatically start thinking Caxe has told them something. Not that I can think of anything that Caxe would be dying to tell them but like I said paranoia.
Next half not so fun; various trip preparations thankfully nearly over now, though the evil beast of air travel day has yet to rear its ugly head tomorrow. Watched Big Brother for once which only confirmed the fact that it's completely lame and boring. Then fell into a half-asleep coma with State on repeat. I am going outside now.

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