A Conversation for Homer

Technologically baffled

Post 1

Global Village Idiot

I'm not sure how come this article has an editor who isn't an editor (or even a sub), and no author, and a number way out of the range currently being allocated, and a really old forum posting, and BarCode isn't listed as having any official entries.

Could it be possible that the link points at the original rather than edited article?

Technologically baffled

Post 2


The other puzzling thing is that although it is referred to in the text in the middle of the page it isn't in the list of last 5 entries in the frame at the side

Technologically baffled

Post 3


I think it's appropriately ironic, that an Entry on a vaguely-defined historical figure should be of vaguely-defined origins itself.

Regardless of its status or editorship, I'm still giving it a link at the h2g2 Historical Society. smiley - smiley

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