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Thanks and Good Luck

Post 1

Jim Lynn

Many thanks for the invitation to your wedding reception. Bernadette and I had fun, and it was great to meet you in person and put a face to your words.

Good luck to you both and have a great honeymoon.


Thanks and Good Luck

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

Thanks yourselves - for coming, and for the book: I am now the envy of several friends, and some people I didn't know but told anyway smiley - smiley. I wish there had been more time to talk, but with so many people it's just impossible.

Sorry that the music started late, especially with you having to leave - I think you missed the very best bits as the alcohol started to take effect. The video of the Siege of Venice has to be seen to be believed.

Still, people seemed to have a good time - I know I did - and the honeymoon was excellent too: reports to come soon in this space, of course!

Thanks and Good Luck

Post 3

Jim Lynn

Your own wedding is absolutely the worst place to meet and talk to people - I know from experience. As long as you had a good time, that's the only important thing.

Under normal circumstances Bernadette and I would have joined in the dancing, but you'll understand why she couldn't. It's almost as much fun to watch a ceilidh as to join in, though. smiley - smiley

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