This is the Message Centre for Bjorn Bengtsson


Post 1

Bjorn Bengtsson

Perhaps I should turn my travel diary ( into Guide entries, instead of just making an ordinary web site? I could leave the photos on my regular server and reference them in the entry texts...


Post 2


It isn't quite finished is it?
It's a really nice idea though.



Post 3

Bjorn Bengtsson

No, it's definitely not finished... It turned out to be quite a lot of work. Too bad, it would have been nice to show you a finished version since you were kind enough to take a look.



Post 4


Hej smiley - smiley
Don't you just hate it when that happens?! smiley - smiley
Why don't you just put the pictures up? I can't read all of the text anyway smiley - winkeye My knowledge of Swedish is pretty limited smiley - smiley



Post 5


Oh, by the way, there's an error in your link....
It should be: ( ), otherwise the second bracket is attached to it and then you won't get to the site smiley - smiley


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