A Conversation for Virtual Paradise

Want them!

Post 1


Nice yarn, but I have a Simon and Garfunkel earworm now. Thanks that's my night soundtrack sorted.smiley - cool

Want them!

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - huh I must admit I'm puzzled about the Simon and Garfunkel reference. (It's late, I'm probably just being dim.)

Glad you liked the story, anyway. Superfrenchie, SashaQ, and Tavaron were in on the discussion that sparked this one.

However, worse was to come. After I'd written this and sent it to the (ir)responsible parties, an advert came on Amazon.

For a pair of AI-enhanced eyeglasses. smiley - grr

This, on top of the hearing aid email, was too much.

Now Elektra says it's all our fault. smiley - rofl

Want them!

Post 3


"A winter's day, in a deep and dark December" I Am A Rock, 1966.

Want them!

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - facepalm Duh. Yeah, I'm tired - now I remember committing that crime. smiley - rofl

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