A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: Two Nights of Mild Unease
I have finally seen this film and...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation 2 Days Ago
...I thought it was quite entertaining. (So did Elektra.) But keep in mind that I have spent years reading postmodern literary, film, and cultural criticism (sometimes for a living, alas) and immediately glommed onto the feminist subtext in all its glory. Thus I spent the entire film composing the paper for an imaginary film studies journal in my head, with lots of footnotes. I mean, the whole topic of 'girl-dad as serial killer' is just breathtaking...
I just looked and yes, there are PhD theses discussing this one, probably in Judith Butler-ese. I could probably predict the catchphrases used... it definitely 'subverts genre expectations', 'realigns the Lacanian gaze', etc, etc. After all, the main character is beleaguered and pursued by women...interestingly, his victims appear to be male...they could write heavy paragraphs about the symbolism of the mobile phones...
You realise that at one point, the audience members all hold up the lights on their phones and then later...? Ah, the academic mind boggles.
Oh, goody: here's a whole hour and 17 minutes' worth of that sort of thing:
And since I think all modern pop music sounds the same, I thought Ms Shyamalan wasn't too bad.
It's a shame that the true story that inspired the movie is so much more entertaining, though.
I have finally seen this film and...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted 2 Days Ago
PS I have now listened to the entire podcast and survived it. (I hate podcasts.)
My favourite quote is, 'I felt so represented!' Chef's kiss, as they say.
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I have finally seen this film and...
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