A Conversation for Lives of the Gheorghenis - Chapter 19: Morpheus Can Keep It
It can always be worse...
Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. Started conversation Jun 6, 2024
I think I got past the HR level, seeing that I do seem to have acquired a desk of my own.
How will we call the gender in the second dream? dual-binary?
It can always be worse...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jun 6, 2024
Oh, good, no more shared workstations?
'Dual-binary' sounds good. These were actual dreams which I borrowed for the story.
I sometimes wake up and think, 'I got somebody else's dream again.'
It can always be worse...
Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. Posted Jun 6, 2024
In time I will probably have a shared workstation as planned, but the office refurbishment has been postponed because somebody didn't want to sign for the bill that comes with it. (I'm not complaining)
It can always be worse...
SashaQ - happysad Posted 2 Weeks Ago
Yes, I am fortunate to work at home most of the time these days so my workstation is just as I like it. In the office I know which shared desk I can use because of being a wheelchair user - I was consulted in advance so got to choose one I can easily access
Dreams are fascinating - I know that type where I am looking for something or trying to go somewhere and nothing makes sense. Dreaming as someone else is unusual, though - I can imagine that is disconcerting.
It can always be worse...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted 2 Weeks Ago
Yes, indeed. This weekend was bad! I dreamt about a communal shower - many people there, all wearing bathing suits, mind you, my subconscious wasn't interested in naughty bits...but the showers were little islands with the shower heads on poles and hooks in a circle beneath them to hang soap and washcloths and such...only on one, somebody had hung a couple of laughing babies...they were enjoying the ride...
The twins' mom showed up with a toddler she was washing...she laughed, too, like it was all fun.
Sometimes you just gotta wake up and shrug.
It can always be worse...
SashaQ - happysad Posted Last Week
That was a strange dream, but I'm glad everyone was laughing
My recent dream was a collage of real events - I was out birdwatching and then discovered one of my wheelchair tyres was flat. When I woke up, I had to check the tyres just in case
It can always be worse...
SashaQ - happysad Posted 2 Days Ago
Yes - another of my recent dreams was a mix of imaginary and real - I dreamed I had been stabbed and I was given a piece of paper describing the knife. I could read the words on the paper, but all I wanted to know was why I had been stabbed. The pain woke me up and I realised I had a muscle cramp that had been made worse by the stress of the dream. . . Once I relaxed knowing it had just been a dream, the cramp eased off and I was ok!
It can always be worse...
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted 2 Days Ago
Wow! I've had them like that, too - where you have a pain in a dream and wake up to it, or there's a noise...
What I think is interesting is that your dream wouldn't tell you the information you wanted to know!
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It can always be worse...
- 1: Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. (Jun 6, 2024)
- 2: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jun 6, 2024)
- 3: Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking. (Jun 6, 2024)
- 4: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (Jun 6, 2024)
- 5: SashaQ - happysad (2 Weeks Ago)
- 6: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (2 Weeks Ago)
- 7: SashaQ - happysad (Last Week)
- 8: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (2 Days Ago)
- 9: SashaQ - happysad (2 Days Ago)
- 10: Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor (2 Days Ago)
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